How Writing Blogs Could Help Us Be a Better Developer

How Writing Blogs Could Help Us Be a Better Developer

Solidifying technical knowledge and expanding networks.

Writing blogs could potentially be a powerful resource for you to solidify your knowledge, build an online presence, and therefore create and expand your network to bring in new opportunities in the tech field.

In this blog, I will go over how might:

  • Writing Blogs Can Improve Coding Skills.

  • Writing Blogs Can Help Develop Problem-Solving Skills.

  • Learning From Other Devs Through Blogging

  • Writing Blogs Can Help Get Recognition in the Dev Community & Build A Network

Writing Blogs Can Improve Coding Skills.

When writing blog posts you take notes and reflect on how you could potentially improve your technical and social skills to become a better software developer. When writing any technical blogs, as I did for JavaScript here, you research a particular technology or concept and solidify your knowledge all while learning more in-depth about it.

Going over and attempting to explain what you have learned in your own words and making an effort to describe it in a way that is clear to a reader that is new to development or technically inclined, in my opinion, is the greatest way to solidify knowledge and even help write more concise and efficient code documentation.

Writing Blogs Can Help Develop Problem-Solving Skills.

By writing about coding projects, you can gain valuable insight into how to solve a problem and how to write code more efficiently. Additionally, writing about coding projects allows you to think through the problem and explore different ways to approach it. You can also document your thought process and refer back to it as you continue coding. Writing about coding projects can also help you to develop better debugging skills, as you can use the blog post to review and reflect on the code you wrote.

Learning From Other Devs Through Blogging

Reading other bloggers' blogs about their dev journey or the way they understand a certain concept or technology can help you understand it even better. Not all online documentation is clear nor written in a way that can be understood, so there may be blogs that explain something in a way that you would understand easily, thus saving time and expediting your learning process.

Writing Blogs Can Help Get Recognition in the Dev Community & Build A Network

Not only can blogging help you improve your social and communication skills in addition to helping reinforce and broaden technical knowledge, but also writing blog posts allows you to connect with other software developers in the community and potentially gain access to their networks if they find your publishings to be impressive.

Growing your network using blog posts can be more beneficial in the success of your career by helping me gain important contacts in higher places.


Writing blogs can help broaden and solidify your technical knowledge, improve communication skills and build your professional network. When you write a blog post, you solidify and expand your current knowledge base and also open up the possibility of connecting with other developers and industry professionals. As you build credibility through blog posts, people in the industry may contact you for advice or collaborations. Writing blogs can also help you to be discovered by recruiters, who may be looking for someone with the skills that you have demonstrated in the blog posts.